I’m at Mobile App Europe – Day 3

Time for the last day of Mobile App Europe.

The final keynote – The 7 Deadly Sins of Mobile Apps from Jonathan Kohl.


Saurabh Agarwal is now talking about ‘Tackling Fragmentation in the Mobile App World’.


Marc C Lange gave a really interesting presentation called ‘How to Slim Down Product Management, Gain Valuable Insights and Make Customers Early by Leaving Your Comfort Zone’. He gave some excellent tips on how to understand users and how to consider mobile prototyping. I mindmapped his session.


A really interesting presentation on Appium from Andreas Ludeke. He even did some live coding – a brave man – which worked! I did a little mindmap of the session.

First up – Julien Lesaicherre talking about Building the Future of Mobile Apps With Facebook. I mindmapped the session and you can find my map here.

Julien’s slides are here.


4 thoughts on “I’m at Mobile App Europe – Day 3”

  1. In the Appium presentation, did they talk about iOS 8 and gesture support?

    Based on the mind map they are using the java client. What is their opinion about the clients fragmentation?

    1. Hi,

      They didn’t talk about gesture support for iOS, the talk was much more Android focused. When you say Java client, do you mean the inspector? I’m not really clear – they did mention fragmentation related to API v17 and below vs 18 and above as a con of using Appium for Android.

      1. For Android I dont think they have all this different clients, because for the iOS version there are a java, ruby, pyton, objective c and java script (that I remember of). I mean the libraries that interact with Appium and your tests, that will usually handle some features such as gesture support and alerts dismiss.

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