A great presentation from Katrina Clokie. Lots to think about from this one.
Here’s my notes.
A really good talk from Dan Billing on fear and how it plays a part in testing.
Here’s my notes.
Dan referenced a presentation I have at Nordic Testing Days last year. Thanks Dan!
You can find the slides from that presentation here.
Rob Sabourin gave a great keynote to close the first day of Nordic Testing Days. Value Sync.
Can quality products be delivered when teams, customers, users and stakeholders have conflicting values? Rob put forward the concept that the notions of “On time on quality and on budget” are meaningless concepts unless you are “on purpose”.
What do people value? Why do they value it? How does it matter?
I mindmapped the session. The mindmap is not totally complete – Rob talks fast and his slides change quickly so there were a few bits I missed, but hopefully you find it useful.
A really interesting presentation from Adam Howard. This was the first time I’ve seen Adam present, and I really enjoyed it.
I mind-mapped the session.
I’ve just finished watching an excellent presentation by Neil Studd about how he, Amy Phillips and Dan Billing resurrected Weekend Testing Europe.
I mind-mapped the session and I thought you might find it useful so here it is 🙂
Hopefully you enjoy it. I’ve done a couple of Weekend Testing Sessions and really enjoyed them so I recommend everyone tries it out.
There’s much more information on Weekend Testing Europe and how to get involved here.
I’ve just finished speaking at Nordic Testing Days about my journey from Test Manager to Test Coach and beyond.
As I mentioned in the presentation, as coaches we started to generate a pull for our services by using a coaching menu. Since some people asked me after the presentation about what that was, then I thought I’d make it available for all.
So here it is 🙂 Hope you find it useful.
We had a great lean coffee session this morning, in the excellent surroundings of Carluccio’s cafe in Westfield. A mix of topics and a mix of new people and regulars, meant that we had a very varied set of discussions.
Here’s what we talked about, and what we didn’t get time to talk about. Come along next time and we may get to talk about some of those un-discussed topics, plus I’m sure a whole lot of new one’s.
The next #leancoffee will be on Thursday 25th June at 8:30am in Carluccio’s Westfield. Hope to see you there.
More details and to signup – http://www.meetup.com/Lean-Coffee-London/events/221705038/