My First STC Meetup

Meeting New People

Last night I went to my first Software Testing Club Meetup in Guildford, Surrey.

What’s A Software Testing Club Meetup?

A Software Testing Club Meetup is simply a meeting of like-minded people. Mostly testers 🙂 It’s an opportunity to talk testing and normally have a beer or two. And in this case it was pie night in The Keystone so there was some great food as well.

So What Happened?

It was a very enjoyable evening. There were a great bunch of people there. ‘Hello’ everyone at IDBS, and all the other people that I met, talked testing and ate pies with. This was the first meetup that’s been done in this area, and also the first time I’ve gone on my own to anything like this, but it was really easy to settle in and get chatting. We had some good discussions about Selenium, software testing certification, and I got some great tips on freelancing from Alan at StoryIQ.

If you’ve never been to an event like this then you really should go. People are friendly, and it’s a great place outside of work to talk, and to find out experiences from other parts of the industry and from testers working in other companies.

Rather stupidly I forgot my camera, but fortunately other’s didn’t so there’s some pictures here.

Thanks to Lynda for organising, and I hope there’s another one soon.

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