Tag Archives: podcast

Episode 10 of Testing In The Pub – Interview With Tony Bruce

I’ve just uploaded episode 10 of Testing In The Pub, the regular podcast about software testing which I record with Dan Ashby.

It’s an interview with Tony Bruce about testing and test communities. Tony organises the London Tester Gathering and the London Tester Gathering Workshops, as well as having spoken at a number of testing conferences and events. It’s well worth a listen.

Head over to the Testing In The Pub website to download, discover the RSS feed, or search for “Testing In The Pub” on iTunes or YouTube.

Enjoy 🙂

Episode 9 of Testing In The Pub Is Now Available

I’ve just uploaded episode 9 of Testing In The Pub, the regular podcast about software testing which I record with Dan Ashby.

It’s the second part of an interview with Dan Billing about security testing. With security testing being such a hot topic at the moment then it’s well worth listening to.

Head over to the Testing In The Pub website to download, discover the RSS feed, or search for “Testing In The Pub” on iTunes.

Enjoy 🙂

Episode 7 of Testing In The Pub Is Now Available

Episode 7 of the software testing podcast that I record with Dan Ashby is now available. In this episode we talk about the idea of ‘schools of testing’ and compare and contrast approaches such as those from the ISTQB and context-driven communities.

You can download it from the site, via RSS or it’ll shortly be in iTunes as usual.

Testing In The Pub Episode 6 – Continuous Delivery Part 2

Episode 6 of the software testing podcast I record with Dan Ashby is now available. This time we continue our interview with Amy Phillips about Continuous Delivery and how testing fits in with Continuous Delivery.

You can download it directly from the Testing In The Pub site, search for us on iTunes or subscribe using our RSS feed from your favourite RSS reader.

All feedback is most welcome, we want to produce a podcast that people want to listen to 🙂

Testing In The Pub Episode 5 – Continuous Delivery

Episode 5 of the software testing podcast I record with Dan Ashby is now available. This time we interviewed Amy Phillips about Continuous Delivery and how testing fits in with Continuous Delivery.

It was certainly fun to record an interview, and I think we got a lot of good discussion going. It’s well worth listening to (ok I am bias but….) It’s a two part interview and we’ll be publishing the second part next week.

You can download it directly from the Testing In The Pub site, subscribe from iTunes or using our RSS feed from your favourite RSS reader.

All feedback is most welcome, we want to produce a podcast that people want to listen to 🙂

Testing In the Pub Podcasts Are Here

Myself and Dan Ashby (@danashby04) have started a software testing podcast. It’s called Testing In the Pub, primarily because we spend time in the pub talking about testing, and we thought that others in the software testing community may be interested in hearing what we talk about.

We published the first episode yesterday, called “Reviewing the Conferences 2013”, which is about the conferences that we attended in 2013, and the main learnings we took from them.

Testing in the Pub has it’s own website, and, (Apple approval permitting), will be in iTunes very soon.

It’s be great if you had a listen and gave us some feedback. This is the first time we’ve done something like this, and so all feedback will help us make it better.

If you want to appear as a guest on one of the shows then let us know as well. We’d really like to make the podcasts as varied as possible so the more the merrier 🙂